T1 PRI For PBX Telephony
A T1 PRI, also called an ISDN PRI, is a "Primary Rate Interface"
providing 23 individual digitized telephone lines plus data such
as Caller ID on a single digital telephone trunk line. A PRI line
is usually much less expensive than a dozen or more analog business
phone lines.
Reliable Retail Point of Sale
Systems Connectivity
Retail locations, such as grocery stores, quick service restaurants,
and hardware stores need fast, dependable POS bandwidth for credit
card transactions, inventory management, and financial reporting.
T1 lines are ideal for this application, as they are far more
reliable than DSL service.
Logistics and Transportation
Industry Bandwidth
Trucking, warehousing, railroads and similar businesses need reliable
voice and data bandwidth. Point to Point T1 lines provide exclusive
and secure transmission between facilities for data transfers,
PBX telephone tie lines, and IP telephony.
T1 Digital Cross Connect Systems
A digital cross connect system, often abbreviated DCS or DCAS,
allows you to switch traffic among your T1 lines. It will even
reach into the line to connect individual channels or timeslots
rather than the entire circuit. A manual device that cross connects
T1 lines is called a DCX or patch panel.
T-Carriers Offer Digital Telephony
T-Carriers, which include both T1 and T3 lines, offer digital
telephone trunking with multiple phone calls on a single physical
circuit. T1 lines can support up to 24 simultaneous phone calls.
T3 lines have 28 times the bandwidth of T1 lines and can offer
up to 672 simultaneous phone calls for large enterprise or call
center applications.