Combined T1 Telephone and Internet
An Integrated T1 line shares bandwidth between digital phone lines
and broadband Internet service. Typically up to 12 phones lines
can be accommodated. If the T1 line is set up to be a dynamic
T1, then any bandwidth not used for telephone calls is automatically
available for Internet access.
Reliable Retail Point of Sale
Systems Connectivity
Retail locations, such as grocery stores, quick service restaurants,
and hardware stores need fast, dependable POS bandwidth for credit
card transactions, inventory management, and financial reporting.
T1 lines are ideal for this application, as they are far more
reliable than DSL service.
Medical Imaging Transmission
Medical images, such as those generated by Teleradiology equipment,
have large file sizes due to high resolution. Rapid transmission
between hospitals and medical centers requires high availability,
high bandwidth telecommunication services. For smaller offices
or infrequent use, a T1 data line might easily suffice. For medium
and larger facilities, T3 lines and fiber optic carrier services
are recommended.
T1 Digital Cross Connect Systems
A digital cross connect system, often abbreviated DCS or DCAS,
allows you to switch traffic among your T1 lines. It will even
reach into the line to connect individual channels or timeslots
rather than the entire circuit. A manual device that cross connects
T1 lines is called a DCX or patch panel.
Bandwidth to Support Convergence
Convergence means combining or converging voice, data and video
onto a single network. Enterprises usually need to expand their
LAN bandwidth and set up a QoS or Quality of Service priority
system to give priority to real-time streams such as telephone
calls or video conference feeds, which are more sensitive to network
delays than data transfers. Most often, the common protocol for
convergence is IP.